Polarix.io solves all your SCP problems in one go

Polarix.io was designed to overcome common frustrations with SCPs

Current methods of creating, distributing and using SCPs are inadequate, leading to them not being used widely by your entire organization, wasting your time, energy and money. Polarix.io was specifically designed to address those challenges and drive uptake of your SCPs, ensuring they get used regularly by your team.

Seamless integration with Microsoft Office

Polarix.io is fully integrated with the Microsoft Office suite, meaning your team around the world can use it to create all their scientific content in Powerpoint and Word, and ensuring they only use approved statements, language and the appropriate evidence base.

Version control issues are eliminated

One source of truth for your SCP means you can be confident your team are using the same statements, lexicon and references consistently in all deliverables across your organization.

Tools to support collaboration

The in-app videoconference tool, instant messaging and sophisticated feedback functions make it simple for everyone to work together to develop your SCP, wherever they are in the world.

Track who is using your SCP and how they are using it

Polarix.io allows you to see key analytics at a glance, including which team members and countries are using your SCP, how they are using it, and which items are attracting the most comments.

Additional features

Embed references so they never get lost

They’re always there when you need them the most. It’s easy to annotate them in the app and simple to pull citations into your Powerpoint and Word documents, too.

Always updatable and always up to date

Your Polarix.io SCPs are accessible from your browser whenever you need them, and you’ll always be looking at the latest version.

Intuitive, interactive and easy to use

Intelligent design and search functions allow you to find what you’re looking for in a couple of clicks. Videos, animations, images and supporting documents can be added to make your content more engaging and easier to understand.

Polarix.io received a Gold at the PM Society Digital awards and Bronze from the PM Society awards both for innovation in 2022

Get Started

Book a Polarix.io demo or email us at hello@nine-labs.com to request further information
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